Asinoks - Aslanlar Stainless Metal Industry

Asinoks -Aslanlar Stainless Metal Industry is a company that produces water, liquid tanks, mixer reactors and has 30 years of experience in this field.

Asinoks Aslanlar Stainless Metal Industry manufactures in the fields of stainless water tank manufacturing, stainless mixers, and stainless products manufacturing. It also sells stainless steel sheet, profile, pipe, rod shaft and flange. Our company, which strengthens its technical infrastructure, combines it with its 30 years of experience and provides services to leading companies in the sector throughout Turkey with its experienced staff. Since the day it was founded, LIONS has adopted the principle of constantly improving and renewing itself, while providing the best of service to its customers.

Our company attaches importance to product quality. It has ISO 9001 and CE certificates as quality documents.

Our main goal is to ensure absolute satisfaction by working with a customer focus in all the services we offer, and to create a continuous and efficient business environment by acquiring permanent loyalty. Our company operates under the names Aslanlar Stainless and Aslanlar Ticaret. Our company has proven its difference in the field with the production of stainless water tanks and the variety of stainless steel materials and focuses on development every day to provide you with better service.

Since 1985, we have been taking firm steps towards reaching the top in our field with our team and business partners, who have made it a habit to provide quality service and continuous development.

Our company has a management and manufacturing staff that constantly improves itself. It closely follows the technological developments that are able to respond to the needs of the age and customer needs in the best way. Our first goal in the near future is to be the dominant company in the modular lightweight constructions sector. Our company, which has the ability to do business in various regions of the world, has the ability to represent our country in the best way abroad.


Our Company’s Goal

The priority understanding of quality will always continue and will protect the importance it attaches to the customer. It will strive to carry its expert staff and modern production technology further every day. To be a leading stainless steel company in Turkey.

Product Portfolio

Stainless Warehouse
Stainless Water Tank
Stainless Tube
Stainless Threaded Fittings
Stainless Mixer
Stainless Steel Flat
Stainless Profile
Stainless Steel Flanges
Stainless Profile
Stainless Steel Sheet
Stainless Rod Shaft

Our quality policy
To provide the highest quality and fastest service to our customers,
Working in accordance with legal regulations,
Giving importance to the environment and human health,
To increase customer satisfaction continuously,
To contribute to the awareness of our personnel and their career development,
To ensure the satisfaction of our employees,
To protect and maintain the reliable and honest company image formed by our business partners,
It is our Quality Policy.

Asinoks Fabrika



Establishment of the Company

It operated on recycling and stainless metal products.

Stainless Products Trade

He carried out commercial activities on the purchase and sale of stainless metals. It started the production of stainless water tanks in its own workshops.

Factory Setup

The customer portfolio has expanded. Customer satisfaction increased. In order to increase product quality and meet customer demands on time, it established its own factory in Marmara Recycling Industry Site. It increased its production capacity.

International Trade

In line with the incoming demands, it started to produce special products for abroad. It started exporting directly and indirectly to abroad. It exports water tanks, mixers, reactors, oil and diesel tanks, fuel tanks, food and chemical products tanks to abroad. In addition, it also trades stainless steel sheets, profiles, flat bars, shafts and tubes.


Paslanmaz yatay ve dikey depolar

Paslanmaz Depolar

Paslanmaz su deposu, suyun saklandığı ve dağıtıldığı bir depodur. Bu depolar genellikle paslanmaz çelik, alüminyum veya polietilen gibi korozyon dirençli malzemelerden yapılır. Paslanmaz su deposu, suyun sıcaklığını ve kalitesini koruyan bir kap havuzudur.

Mixers - Reactors

Karıştırıcılar ve Reaktörler

Paslanmaz reaktör, kimyasal bir reaksiyonun gerçekleştirilebileceği bir tiptir. Bu reaktörler genellikle paslanmaz çelik, alüminyum veya nikel gibi korozyon dirençli malzemelerden yapılır.

Profil, mil ve Flanşlar

Paslanmaz Ürünler

Profil, sac, boru, mil, fittings malzemeler ve lamalar ürünlerimiz içerisinde yer alır. Paslanmaz sac, profil, boru ve lamalar, çeşitli koşullarda korozyona dayanıklı oldukları için genellikle hava, su ve diğer çevresel etkilere karşı dayanıklı olan uygulamalarda kullanılır.

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