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Our company, which has made a habit of providing quality service and continuous development since 1985, attaches importance to product quality. It has ISO 9001 and CE certificates as quality documents.




What are the Usage Areas of Stainless Steel?

Food industry: Stainless steel is used in the construction of various appliances (e.g. mixers, mixers and cutting boards) and food storage capacities (e.g. refrigerators and freezers) used during food production and processing.

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Stainless tanks


Vertical stainless storage tanks are vertical tanks made of high quality stainless steel, used for storage purposes. These tanks are generally used to store water, food, chemicals and similar materials.

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Paslanmaz Lama

Paslanmaz Ürünler

Paslanmaz profil, rulo sac, düz plaka sac, boru, çubuk mil ve lamalar ürünlerimiz içerisinde yer almaktadır.

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Stainless Mixers for Industries

Stainless Mixers for Industries

A stainless stirrer is a device made of durable material and is used for chemical reactions. Reactors, on the other hand, are large closed cabinets where chemical reactions take place or are carried out. Stainless stirrers can be used inside reactors, but they are not like all reactors. Stainless stirrers are generally used for smaller scale and less complex reactions, while reactors are used for larger scale and more complex reactions.

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Prismatic Water Tanks

Prismatic Water Tanks

Prismatic Water Tanks: It is a healthy and stainless water tank manufactured using stainless steel. Unlike old water tanks, prismatic water tanks do not produce algae, bacteria or microbes in them. Prismatic water tanks designs are created according to the size and location of the place where the tank will be installed and the required water storage capacity.

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Powder Mixers

Powder Mixers

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Sed convallis lacinia enim vel blandit. In placerat, ex nec sodales elementum.

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Paslanmaz Sac

Stainless Steel Sheet

Stainless steel is a type of steel that is resistant to corrosion. This type of steel remains rustproof and does not corrode under the influence of oxygen and other chemicals. Stainless steel is widely used in food, water distribution, chemical industry and other industries.

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filtration of liquids


The stainless filter is a type made of stainless steel and is generally used for the filtration of liquids.

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Prismatic Tanks

Prismatic Tanks

Prismatic water tank; It is a healthy and stainless water, liquid food and chemical liquids storage, produced by using different materials, especially stainless steel, by joining the parts by welding.

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Boru sistemlerinde düz boru veya boru bölümlerini bağlamak, farklı boyutlara veya şekillere uyum sağlamak ve sıvı akışını düzenlemek gibi diğer amaçlar için bir bağlantı parçası veya adaptör kullanılır.

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